
Showing posts from December, 2020

Eight limbs of yoga

EIGHT LIMBS OF YOGA :- Ashtanga yoga  is a system of  yoga  recorded by the sage Vamana Rishi in the  Yoga  Korunta, an ancient manuscript "said to contain lists of many different groupings of asanas, as well as highly original teachings on vinyasa, drishti, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy. According to the sage Patanjali (he described Yog in his book Patanjali's Yog Darshan) eight limbs of yoga are the whole process of Yog. The explanation of eight limbs are came first in SADHAN PAD in PATANJALI'S YOG DARSHAN. Meaning of limbs are parts, that means the yoga has eight parts and these are- 1.       Yam ( यम)  [moral codes] 2.       Niyama ( नियम)[self purification and study] 3.       Aasana ( आसन)[posture] 4.       Pranayama ( प्राणायाम)[breathing control] 5.       Pratyahara ( प्रत्याहार)[sense c...


YOGA ACCORDING TO MAHARSHI PATANJALI:-  Maharshi Patanjali was the writer of the book Patanjali's Yog Darshan. Yog darshan is first book in history who explains each and every steps of yoga in systematic view. According to many historians, this book is written in 400B.C. to200A.D. In this book there are 4 chapters in which 195 sutras are written in Sanskrit language. Name's of four chapters are 1. Samadhi pad (समाधि पाद) 2. Sadhan pad (साधन पाद) 3. Vibhuti pad (विभूति पाद) 4. Kaivalya pad (कैवल्य पाद) In the first chapter of Samadhi Pad, he throws light on the specific features of yoga to create general interest. He shows the method of attain yoga which leads to self-realisation and divine grandeur. Lastly he lays down the system to attain the supreme or ultimate stage of kaivalya (perfect libertarian). Samadji paad have 51 sutras, Sadhan paad have 55 sutras, Vibhuti paad have 55 sutras, and kaivalya paad have 34 sutras. In this book Sage Patanjali described eight limbs of yog...


QUALITIES OF PERFECT YOGA GURU:- Everyone who has practiced yoga known that there are many different types of yoga teachers out there. Here are some of my thoughts spiced up with reflections from our graduated yoga teacher, instructor. 1. Authenticity : - A good yoga teacher shows authenticity in their personality; they have energy and a true passion for their teachings, wanting to educate and inspire others. 2. Self practice and self study: -  All yoga teachers should practice yoga and only teach it based on their own solid experimental understanding. They should also continue to seek out and attend training and education opportunities to stay up to date. 3. Generosity  :- A good teacher wants to share everything they have learned through their own solid experimental understanding and practice, so that others too could experience the same wonderful benefits they have gained. 4. Preparation :- A good teacher will take time to preparing their own class plans so as to reach goa...


SUKHASANA (EASY POSE):- SUKHASANA is a very simple sitting pose. This is best pose for meditation and can be performed by any age groups. It came from Sanskrit word sukh means esay, happy, etc, and asana means pose. Sukhasana Steps : Sit on the ground or the mat with legs stretched out in front of you and keep the spine straight. Place the hands on the thighs with elbows bent. Take a few breaths here and connect the breath with the body. Inhale and fold the legs. Fold the right foot under the left thigh. And fold the left foot under the right thigh. Cross the legs at the mid shins, and not at your ankles. Your pubic bone and the cross of your shins should be in one line. Keep your ankles flexed a little so that your feet are on their outside edges, perpendicular to the floor. The soles of your feet face to the sides and your toes should face forward. Keep the head, neck and back straight. Draw your abdomen softly inward and upward. Place the hands on the knees in any mud...


PADMASANA(LOTUS POSTURE):- Padmasana or Lotus Pose is a sitting type pose.In Sanskrit ' padma' means "lotus" and asana means pose. This pose is used as meditation. When you perform this asana, then your body is looks like a lotus, hence this pose name is lotus pose. HOW TO PERFORM THIS POSE: - There are some little steps to perform this asana 1. Sit on the yoga mat. 2. Now bent your right leg from knee and placed on the left thigh. 3. Bent your left leg must folded from knee and placed on the right thigh.(this is known as cross legged sitting) 4. Place your both palms over your knees.(right palm on right thigh and left palm on left thigh) 5. Make sure that your back, spine, neck, head are in straight. 6. Your shoulders should be relaxed. This is final position. 7. Concentrate on your breathing after you settle in final position. 8. Practice deep breathing. BENEFITS OF PADMASANA:- There are so many benefits of PADMASANA in which some are listed...


GOMUKHASANA Gomukhasana is a seated asana in hatha yoga and  modern yoga as exercise, used for sometimes as meditation pose. The name comes from Sanskrit ‘go' means “cow" and mukh means “face" and asana means pose. The pose is ancient as it is described in the Darshana Upanishad , written around 4 th century. It is some time used as meditation and pranayama. In English this asana name is cow face pose because when you practice this asana, then your body is looks like a cow's face. STEPS TO PERFORM GOMUKHASANA  There are some steps to perform this asana  1. Take a seat on the ground and keep your legs extended towards your front. 2. The left leg must folded from knee and placed under right buttock. 3. The right leg must folded from knee and placed on the top of left thigh. 4. Both the knees are in straight and perpendicular to the ground. 5. Your left hand should be bent below the body and placed behind your back. 6. Your right arm should bent above the head and...


VAJRASANA Simply it is a sitting pose. In English this asana name is thunderbolt pose, or diamond pose. Vajrasana is one of the easiest yoga pose to perform. It stimulates the vajra nadi which facilitates digestion. In Sanskrit vajra means thunderbolt. STEPS TO PERFORM VAJRASANA:- There are few steps to perform this asana- 1.   Start by kneeling on the floor 2.   Pull your knees and ankles together and point your feet in line with your legs. The bottoms of your feet should face upward with your big toes touching. 3.   Exhale as you sit back on your legs. Your buttocks will rest on your heels and your thighs will be rest on your calves. 4.   Put your hand on your thighs and adjust your pelvis slightly backward and forward until you are comfortable. 5.   Breath in and out slowly as you position yourself to sit up by straightening your spine. 6.   Straighten your head to gaze forward with your chin parallel to ...

What is Yoga?

Definition- YOGA is physical,mental and spiritual practice, that originated in ancient India. First codified by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra around 200 B.C. the practice was in fact handed down from teacher to student long before this text arose. Traditionally, this was a one-to-one transmission, but since yoga became popular in West in 20th century, group classes become normal. The word YOGA is derived from the Sanskrit root " YUJ" meaning ' to unite'. The practice  aims to create union between body, mind and spirit,as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. Such a union tends to neutralize ego-driven thoughts and behaviours, creating a sense of  spiritual awakening. YOGA is practiced for thousands of years, and whilst many different interpretations and style have been developed, most tends to agree that the ultimate goal of yoga  is to achieve libertarian from suffering. Although each school or tradition of yoga has its own emphasis ...